80.Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products

Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products by regulation. Ingredient Potential toxicity Hexachlorophene Neurotoxic effects Ability to penetrate human skin Mercury compounds Accumulation in the body Skin irritation Allergic reactions Neurotoxicity Bithionol Photocontact sensitization Halogenated salicylanilides Photocontact sensitization Chlorofluorocarbon propellants Hazardous to human health Chloroform Plausible carcinogenicity Vinyl chloride Plausible carcinogenicity Zirconium-containing complexes Lung toxicity Methylene chloride Plausible carcinogenicity help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App.

74.The specific substance in cosmetic and skin care products

The specific substance in cosmetic and skin care products
The specific substance in cosmetic and skin care products
Sun protection

1.      Benzophenone-3
2.      Benzophenone-4
3.      Benzophenone-8
4.      Oxybenzone
5.      Dioxybenzone
6.      Sulisobenzone
7.      Methyl anthranilate (better)
8.      Butyl methoxy dibenzoyl methane

1.      PABA
2.      DEA-methoxycinnamate
3.      Ethyldihydroxypropyl PABA
4.      Glycery PABA
5.      Homosalate (better)
6.      Octocrylene
7.      Octyl methoxycinnamate (parsol MCX) (better)
8.      Octyl salicylate (better)
9.      Octyl dimethyl PABA
10.  Phenyl benzimidazole sulfonic acid
11.  TEA-salicylate

Easy to Allergy
1.      PABA/ para aminobenzoic acid
2.      Octyl dimethyl PABA
3.      Benzophenones

the others: Natural material

1.      Mercurous compound
2.      Hydroquinone
3.      Vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid
4.      Azelaic acid
5.      Arbutin/ Ursin
6.      Kojic acid
7.      Glutathione
8.      Placenta
9.      Licorice extract
10.  Mulberry extract
11.  AHAs

1.      Retinoic acid/ RA
2.      Ceramide
3.      Placenta
4.      Hyaluronic acid/ HA & Mucopolysaccharide/ MPS
5.      AHAs
6.      Deoxyribonucleic acid/ DNA
7.      β–Glucan (CM-Glucan)
8.      antioxidant for free radical
1.      superoxide dismutase/ SOD
2.      super phyco dismutase/ SPD
3.      Glutathione peroxidase/ GSHPx
4.      Glutathione reducatase
5.      Caralase
   Non- Enzyme
1.      Vitamin E
2.      Vitamin C
3.      Glutathione

4.      LML (L-lysine laurylmethionin)

help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App


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