80.Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products

Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products by regulation. Ingredient Potential toxicity Hexachlorophene Neurotoxic effects Ability to penetrate human skin Mercury compounds Accumulation in the body Skin irritation Allergic reactions Neurotoxicity Bithionol Photocontact sensitization Halogenated salicylanilides Photocontact sensitization Chlorofluorocarbon propellants Hazardous to human health Chloroform Plausible carcinogenicity Vinyl chloride Plausible carcinogenicity Zirconium-containing complexes Lung toxicity Methylene chloride Plausible carcinogenicity help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App.

64.The composition of cosmetic products

The composition of cosmetic products

The composition of cosmetic products

A cosmetic and skin care product contains many ingredients. It could be divided into four groups roughly. They are the base material, additive agent, surfactant, and specific substance. Base materials include hydrophobic agent, hydrophilic agent, and powder. Base material dominates over 50% of the cosmetic and skin care product. Additive agents are like adding the aroma and colorful substances, antimicrobial agent and antioxidant agent. It makes sure the cosmetic and skin care products are safe and attractive. Surfactant is the ingredient to help to balance the surface tension of hydrophobic and hydrophilic agents. The final product would be a lotion or a cream. If the product is added specific substance, that product would have specific function. For example, the product added sun protect ingredients is called sun screen lotion.   

help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App


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