
Showing posts from June, 2016

80.Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products

Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products by regulation. Ingredient Potential toxicity Hexachlorophene Neurotoxic effects Ability to penetrate human skin Mercury compounds Accumulation in the body Skin irritation Allergic reactions Neurotoxicity Bithionol Photocontact sensitization Halogenated salicylanilides Photocontact sensitization Chlorofluorocarbon propellants Hazardous to human health Chloroform Plausible carcinogenicity Vinyl chloride Plausible carcinogenicity Zirconium-containing complexes Lung toxicity Methylene chloride Plausible carcinogenicity help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App.

22-.The nail structure

The skin Adnexa Hair Nail Sweat gland sebaceous gland   nail structure nail matrix, nail root, proximal matrix, nail plate matrix nail plate, nail body nail bed, distal matrix, nail bed matrix white lunula proximal nail fold eponychium, cuticle hyponychium  Nail has similar function of the  Stratum corneum in skin. Because this part does't have  Melanocyte  i n stratum basale, the nail is transparent. The nail care is like the skin care should to prevent damage the  Cormeocyte which is appearance of nail. As it is damaged, It will lose the protection and need   more time to recover than skin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "glamskin" App

21-.Do you know hair has period of life?

Do you know hair has period of life? Hairs have period. The steps are above.  otherwise, there are many reasons that will influence the period.  l    90% of hairs are in anagen, 1-2% are in catagen, and 10-14% are in telogen. l    The period depends on the hair follicle of body parts. For example, eyebrows are 4 months, and the  hairs on head are there to four years. The period also determines the length of hair. l    The period is also influenced by the environment of hairs such as epidermal growth factor, etc. The hairs fall off also by the gene. The hairs will be from terminal hairs to vellus hairs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- find the specific skincare product ingredients by "glamskin+" App

20-.Why do you have gray hairs?

Why do you have gray hairs? The reasons that cause gray hairs l    oxidative stress   Inappropriate production of oxidants will intricately connect to ageing and life Span such as the cell in hairs l    Lack of melanocyte in keratinocytes. l  Melanocyte can not excrete melanin The chemical properties of hairs l    The main component is keratin included eighteen amino acids. l    Hairs contain 12-13% water (25 0 c, RH65%) l    Hair has Melanocyte to excrete melanin and dominates 3%. l    Hair has lipids and depends on individuals. Most of all are free fatty acids and dominate around 1-9%. l    Hairs have trace elements such as Cu, Zn, Ma, Ca, Mn, P, and Si. The physical properties of hairs The hair has cysteine, so hair is strong and also has extension. Amino acid Keratinocyte of hair(%) Keratinocyte of epidermis(%) Glycine 6 6 Alanine ...

19-.Do you understand your hair structure?

The structure of hairs Hair bulb Hair root: Hairs in the skin Hair shaft Hairs out of skin Hair follicle Hair shaft Medulla Cortex Cuticle Structure of hairs Hair has a shaft above the skin and a root embedded in the skin. The basic components of hairs are keratin, melanin and trace quantities of metallic elements.    If hairs are in the period of growth, they will remain in the follicle. During the resting stage, hairs will be sloughed from the skin. Cuticle Cuticle is the outer layer of hair shaft. There are three structures in the cuticle. They are coronal, spinous, and imbricate. Only the imbricate type is belonged to human. The others are only found in animals. Medulla The medulla is a central core of cells in hairs. It will be amorphous in appearance in human. The structure will be in there types. They are fragmentary, broken, or continuous. Cortex The cortex is the main body of hairs. It conta...

18-.What kind of hairs do you have?

The skin Adnexa Hair Nail Sweat gland sebaceous gland Hair The types of hairs Lanugo hairs Hairs are soft and thin. They only happened to the newborn baby.  Vellus hairs They are only 1-2cm height without melanin. They don’t have sebaceous gland and won’t excrete lipid. Terminal hairs They are coarse and long hairs with glands. Especially on head, arm, and leg.     Hair Hairs have their life. They continue to grow, fall off, and new born. It can be defined to 3 periods. They are Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. It falls off 70-120 hairs every day. Dermal papilla It is the recess of hair bulb. There are cells next to edge to get the nutrition from blood capillaries. The cell divisions will become new hairs. If cells are damaged, the hairs won’t grow any more.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help to find the specific skincare product ingr...

17-.What is skin (9)? subcutaneous tissues

subcutaneous tissues hairs and glands connect subcutaneous tissues fulfill a lot of blood vessels and adipocytes. It not only storages fat but also provides the cushion for impact. The volume, thickness, and the structure will be influenced by hormone.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "glamskin" App

16-.What is skin(8)? dermis

The skin has three layers. They are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues . Dermis It consists of connective tissue and provides elasticity of the skin.   Its thickness depends on the body part. The average is around 1-4mm. eyelid is only 0.3 mm. back , palms and soles may be more than 3mm. Structure of dermis 1. Fibers Elastic fiber, collagen, reticulum fibers 2. Basic material Glycoproteins, acid mucopolysaccharides, neutral mucopolysaccharides, etc. 3. Cell Fibroblast, mast cell, macrophage, etc. 4. Organ blood capillaries, nerves, glands, and hairs The structure could be divided into 2 types. They are papillary dermis and reticular dermis. papillary dermis l    Close to the epidermis, the thickness is 1/5 of dermis thickness l    Consist of low density connective tissue l    collagen fibers and elastic fiber with many capillary, is called subpapilary plexus the low density is easy for the phago...

15-.What is the skin(7)? the cells_1

The skin has three layers. They are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues Epidermis Stratum corneum/ horny layer Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum/ granular layer Stratum spinosum/ spinous layer Stratum basale/ basal layer The major cells in epidermis Keratinocyte: Cormeocyte: Melanocyte Langerhans cell Merkel cell Melanocyte l    In stratum basale l    The cell density is 1000-1500unit/mm 2 l    Different body part has different Melanocyte density l    excrete melanin in Keratinocyte to protect UV ray and reduce the chemical from environment Langerhans cell l    in Stratum granulosum l    cell desnity is 400-1000unit/mm 2 l    It is like the white blood cell to prevent infections. l    It trigger immune system by interacting with antigen and T-cells .  Merkel cell l    In Stratum basale l    Connect the surroun...

14-.What is the skin(6)? the cells

Epidermis has layers Stratum corneum/ horny layer Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum/ granular layer Stratum spinosum/ spinous layer Stratum basale/ basal layer The major cells in epidermis Keratinocyte : start from Stratum basale Cormeocyte : late stage of cell division, almost full in stratum corneum Melanocyte Langerhans cell Merkel cell l    Keratinization is that the cell divisions from Stratum basale to stratum corneum. The outer layer cells become hardened and died. l    Desquamation is the process the upper layer cells escape the skin. l    During the cell divisions, the cell will release substances such as ceramide, cholesterol, fatty acid, etc. The substances is the lipid which will connect the keratinocytes well and prevent the water loss. l    Corneocytes   are terminally   differentiated   keratinocytes and are the cells   without   cytoplasmic   organelles. The c...

13-.What is skin?(5) lipid in skin

The skin has three layers. They are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues Epidermis Lipid in skin Sebaceous gland is from the stratum bassale to stratum corneum. It will excrete the lipid which is among the cells in epidermis to prevent the skin too dry. The lipid will start to flow at 15-17 0 C and melt when the temperature is higher than 34 0 C. The skin will excretes more lipids in summer and should be cleaned to reduce the burden of skin. lipid Average (%) Triglycerides 50-60 Wax esters 26 Squalene 12-14 Free fatty acids 14 Mono and diglycerides 5-6 Sterols esters 1-3 Sterols 2 Fatty alcohols 2 Why do we concern the substances of lipid? Because cosmetic industry hopes cosmetic products to simulate the functions of lipid. ---------------------------------------------------...

12-.What is skin? epidermis(4)

The skin has three layers. They are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues Epidermis Stratum corneum l    Outermost epidermis, it is also called horny layer l    Full of Corneocyte which is dead keratinocyte l    Visual barrier for observation Stratum lucidum l    Clear layer, 3-5 layer, dead keratinocyte l    Thickness depends on the speed of cell division. The color is related to melanocyte. l    Clear lay is more obvious in thick skin. Because it contains a lot of eleidin which is premature keratin. l    The thickness of Stratum corneum in lips is thinner, and it has a lot of eleidin. So the appearance is red color.    Stratum granulosum/ granular layer l    It is also called Granular layer which has granular cells and keratohyalin granules l    It is the transition zone of Stratum corneum and starts to appear lamellar bodies. It also continues to ...

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