80.Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products

Restricted ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products by regulation. Ingredient Potential toxicity Hexachlorophene Neurotoxic effects Ability to penetrate human skin Mercury compounds Accumulation in the body Skin irritation Allergic reactions Neurotoxicity Bithionol Photocontact sensitization Halogenated salicylanilides Photocontact sensitization Chlorofluorocarbon propellants Hazardous to human health Chloroform Plausible carcinogenicity Vinyl chloride Plausible carcinogenicity Zirconium-containing complexes Lung toxicity Methylene chloride Plausible carcinogenicity help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App.

50.ITA0 (individual typology angle)

ITA0 (individual typology angle)(Wikipedia, color space conversions, Adrian Ford and Alan Roberts, Aug.11, 1998)
ITA values were calculated from spectrocolorimeter (Datacolor) mea­surements of the L* (Luminance) and b* (yellow/blue component) parameters.
This value is based on CIELab of the CIE system. The CIE has defined a system that classifies color according to the HVS (the human visual system).

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This system is called color space which is in combination with physical device profiling, it allows for reproducible representations of color, in both analog and digital representations.

A color is thus usually specified using three co-ordinates, or parameters. These parameters describe the position of the color within the color space being used. They do not tell us what the color is, that depends on what color space is being used.

There are more than one color spaces for the applications. This is because different color spaces are better for different applications, for example some equipment has limiting factors that dictate the size and type of color space that can be used. RGB cant not figure out the different of skin color well. CIELab and CIELuv are better to distinguish skin color.

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A color is thus usually specified using three co-ordinates, or parameters. These parameters describe the position of the color within the color space being used. They do not tell us what the color is, that depends on what color space is being used.

ITA0 (individual typology angle)-3

help to find the specific skincare product ingredients by "skin+" App


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